3 Things You Must Wear on a First Date in Seattle

Seattle is one of the few American cities that continues to impact the fashion world and influence style for the rest of the country, making a well-dressed man in Kansas City look like every other guy on the street – at least by Seattle standards. So it’s important to carefully consider your garb if you want to wow your date and make the right first impression. From the experts at Seattle Thread Company, here’s a brief guide to get you started:
Choose Your Shoes Wisely
Dating experts agree: the first thing women notice when on a date with a man is his shoes. A safe bet in cooler months are classic leather or brogues and boat shoes or loafers for the late spring and summer. No matter what you choose, you'd better have a decent shoe shine kit - scuffs, marks, or noticeable wear are absolute faux paus in the footwear department.
Your Jacket Matters
Smart Seattleites dress in layers, so even if you're planning to take your jacket off once you've arrived at your date, don't just throw on any old outer layer. A Columbia or North Face jacket might break the wind, but it may also take it out of your date’s sails. Choose complimentary materials and colors to go with your outfit – if that means investing in a few different jackets, so be it. The results will be well worth the extra money.
Ditch the Jeans
A nice pair of jeans can look really nice – but just not on the first date. No matter how expensive or fashionable your jeans might be, they’re still a little too casual to make a solid first impression. Opt for a nice pair of chinos or twill pants if your style is a little more casual; otherwise, tailored wool dress pants may be a better option.
There's never been a better time to update your wardrobe, even if it's only for a single date. For times like these, Seattle Thread Company is a man's best friend. Visit our store to browse our available selections from leading designers or stop by our Kirkland location to learn more fashion tips from our knowledgeable sales staff.
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